Our Story
Sanana General Insurance Company Limited, acronym as SGIC has commenced the official launching of its operations from 1st of July 2019 as a subsidized company of the Sanasa Life Insurance Company previously it was called as Sanasa Insurance Company limited which has a long journey of more than 30 years as an insurer to underserved market in Sri Lanka. Our expertise is mainly based on micro and agriculture insurance those are timely required necessity of an emerging market in Sri Lanka. At the commencement of our business confined only the few insurance products at a very low premium. In 1990, our premium for personal accident cover was about Rs: 5.00 and this premium was more affordable to lower income segment in the country. And also, documents and other requirement to provide insurance cover were very limited as simple to understand for lower literacy peoples in the community. Our leadership encouraged the insurance business mostly based on corporative principles and ethics.
Today, SANASA General Insurance Company is a recognized establishment especially among the lower- and middle-income group and also in rural Population, as the Insurance Company that provides, affordable and flexible Insurance that they require, with substantial benefits. At present there are several products designed especially for the underserved market in the country. Thus, Sanasa General Insurance leads its market penetrations for insurance in line with specific and novel products to the community, namely Weather Index Insurance for Paddy and Tea, Indemnity crop insurance for more than 53 crops and Livestock insurance. Not only that, we have pioneered an agricultural insurance web and a mobile application which will enable farmers to receive their insurance services in an efficient and timely manner.
We make thoughtful decisions quickly, execute them with intensity and simplify where we can..
Establish reputation of the business as a qualifiable asset..
Our word is our bond; we will always deliver on a promise..
We value our customers as the partners of our success.